New Product

Transform Your Financial Future with Landa Premium

Experience faster investing windows, lower fees, and higher transaction limits designed to maximize your wealth.

Upgrade to Landa Premium
VIP customer support
Enjoy faster response times and dedicated assistance.
Faster investing windows
Invest faster with 5 monthly free instant deposits.
Smart Trading Alerts
Receive live and personalized notifications.
Instant Investing

Maximize your transactions

5 no-fee instant deposits monthly
Invest faster with 5 monthly instant deposits.
Higher transaction limits
Expand your reach with enhanced transaction limits.
API access for power investors
Access our API offering for faster access to data.
Portfolio management tools

Top tier support services

Priority customer support
As a Landa Premium member, your satisfaction is our top priority. Enjoy VIP customer support with faster response times and dedicated assistance.
VIP Service
Get fast priority customer service responses.
24/7 Support
Our VIP customer service team is available around the clock, ensuring you have support whenever you need it, wherever you are.
Advanced data and analyst insights

Get all the metrics that matter

Stay ahead
Receive timely and personalized notifications based on your trading preferences and market movements.
Make Informed Decisions
Our alerts provide you with critical information at the right time, enabling you to make informed decisions swiftly and confidently.
Customizable Alerts
Tailor your notification settings to match your investment strategy. Whether you’re a day trader or a long-term investor, our smart alerts cater to your specific needs.

Frequently asked questions

What features are available on Premium?

Elevate your investment journey with Landa Premium. As a valued Premium member, you're granted exclusive access to a suite of enhanced features including fee-free instant deposits, smart trading alerts, and enhanced customer support with more features coming soon.

How much does Landa Premium cost?

Landa Premium is available for just $29 a month, billed every 30 days from your sign-up date. Additionally, new members with an initial market value account balance of $250,000 or more will receive complimentary access to Landa Premium, subject to our terms and conditions.

Can I trial Premium?

At this time we do not offer trial periods for Premium.

How can I cancel my Landa Premium subscription?

Members can cancel their subscription at any time by going into their account page and switching the toggle for Premium to off.